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Marta Weglinska

Batik 3 & 4

2 x batik on cotton

Two works (included in the series of 6 batiks) "You’re a master at capturing my desire and affection", were created during the artist residency at the RedBase Foundation in Yogyakarta, and are an outcome of artist’s one year stay in Indonesia (as a part of the Darmasiswa RI scholarship organised by the Indonesian Government)

The works, like the entire series, are a visual essay, a metaphorical story about a timeless union, a tight weave of opposing orders - a combination of female and male. This is a multi-threaded collection of closely related motifs representing the cult of fertility, shown as a broader worldview in which the rules of the natural environment are translated into the human world, culture, art and beliefs. The batiks contain a range of performances that show a connection between the micro and the macrocosm.

Marta Weglinska

(born 1990). Graduate of intermediation and painting at the Poznan University of Art (2016, 2014). She works while travelling, which largely describes her interests. She works according to the “action-reaction” principle, responding to situations she has observed, stories and tales she has heard, people she has met, as well as local culture and tradition. She processes and combines data, creating networks of meanings. She is interested in the concept of cultural translation. She is involved in experimental film, painting, illustration, artistic books and text.


A curator and co-founder of the Silverado collective. She has been running art and education activities in fram of Kobalt Migrating Platform.


She has received four scholarships from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Winner of the international Darmasiswa RI scholarship in Indonesia.

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